Art and Design

The Art and Design curriculum at Goldfinch has been designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. At Goldfinch Primary School we provide a rich environment in which we encourage and value creativity.  

All teachers plan sequences of lessons in Art and Design based on objectives specific to their year group and select a context of which the objectives are taught linking learning to current topics.  These learning objectives build on prior learning and develop art skills focusing on the six fundamental elements of Art and Design.

  1. Drawing.

  2. Painting

  3. Printing

  4. Collage/textiles

  5. Sculpture, to include clay work

  6. Digital media

Children explore colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space when practising these fundamental elements, developing their creativity and mastery of techniques. Children of all abilities have opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit and through planned progression, we offer them increasing challenge, as they move up through school.

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